New Year’s Resolution . . . Dare to Make it?

Did you make a New Year’s resolution last New Year’s Eve? How did that work out for you? Did you keep it? If you did, for how long?

On the eve of every New Year, many people make a resolution to do this, that, and everything in between. While some of these resolutions are practical, there are some that are quite far-fetched, (and while we know this, we make them anyway ). Well, the New Year which is 2016 is just around the bend! Literally! Tick . . tock . . . Tick . . . tock! 

So, what exactly is a New Year’s resolution? Well, New Year’s resolutions are kind of like a drunk uncle. You know you shouldn’t take him too seriously…but you can’t help but laugh and play along when he comes around once a year. (Taken from Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail”)

Now with all jokes aside, a New Year’s resolution is basically a promise to yourself, or a decision to do something, especially to improve one’s behaviour or lifestyle in some way, during the year ahead. But you already knew this, right?

The idea of setting goals that you want to accomplish throughout, or by the end, of the New Year is not such a bad thing. One thing that you should keep in mind though is that, setting a goal, or making a RESOLUTION, that is attainable is super important.

Don’t set yourself up to fail. Set realistic goals and make a plan on how to achieve said goals.  Create the necessary road map to assist you on the journey for the year ahead.

As Rotarians, let our resolutions for the New Year, (AND FOR EACH NEW DAY) include moving FROM SUCCESS TO SIGNIFICANCE; but not only that, let us strive to BE A GIFT TO THE WORLD. And while this was last year’s Rotary theme, in everything we do throughout the New Year, let us always endeavour to keep the torch of service blazing, and continue to LIGHT UP ROTARY, and let us not forget the Four-Way Test, because it is our guide. 

So, still trying to figure out what your New Year’s resolution should be? 

Because we know that coming up with a New Year’s Resolution can be just as hard as keeping it, we’ve made a little list just for for you. Here goes:

  • Support your Rotary Club
  • Support other Rotary Clubs
  • Build Goodwill and Better Friendships
  • Spend more time in meaningful conversations
  • Read more good books
  • Spend more time with family and friends

Now with helmets on, let us LEAP forward into 2016, and continue to place Service Above Self, as we serve our communities, One Project At A Time!

Happy New Year from the Rotary Club of Portmore to you and your family!

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